South East (CoHS) Location

Luthuliplein 11, 1103TR Amsterdam Zuidoost


The Congregation of the Holy Spirit is located in Amsterdam South East neighborhood,

We are a multi-ethnic church seeking to know Jesus and make Him known throughout the city. Our community represents the traditions of Anglican practices and liturgy as represented and taught in the African continent, who believe in the communion of saints. The Congregation of the Holy Spirit (CoHS) is the youngest of the 3 congregations. In its past 10 years as part of Christ Church Amsterdam, our lively community has at times thrived with services that have occasionally swelled to over a hundred attendees

We are dedicated to pursue the face of the Lord through prayer and supplication. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Our location, Kerkcentrum De Nieuwe Stad, is close to the Ganzenhoef station and the A10 ring road. Parking is available. Join us each Sunday* at 13:30 as we seek to know God through prayer and make Him known

*Please check our calendar for exceptions


Listen Again to Our Sermons

Children and Youth

Our children’s ministry is an essential piece of our full Sunday morning experience. We integrate Biblical learning, worship music during our service to help foster a love of Christ and the Bible in our children. 

Children’s Church meets bi-weekly alongside our younger youth group for 10-13 year olds. 

Youth for 14-18’s meets Sunday evenings bi-weekly at our Centre location. 

The aim of the entire ministry is to come alongside parents and serve their families as they are the primary disciple makers of their children. 

For further info please contact


How to Reach Us?

Our location, Kerkcentrum De Nieuwe Stad, is close to the Ganzenhoef station and the A10 ring road. Parking is available. Join us each Sunday at 13:30 as we seek to know God through prayer and make Him known

Closest bus stop: Tulastraat

Closest metro stop: Ganzenhoef


Southeast Congregation Statement:
Christ Church Amsterdam follows the Safeguarding Policies of the Church of England, including the policies of the Diocese in Europe to which this Chaplaincy belongs. We currently have a vacancy for our congregational Safeguarding Coordinator for the South East CoHS congregation.

Please contact our chaplaincy safeguarding coordinator Antonia at or Rev. Kerry at with any concerns.

Resources for Adults, Youth & Kids

and for those that want to know more about the Anglican Episcopal Church

IT CAN BE A LITTLE INTIMIDATING walking into a church for the first time. Or maybe it’s just been a long time (like 30 years ago when your mom dragged you to Sunday School). A lot has changed since then. The songs are singable, the sermon understandable, and you don’t need to come in a suit. (By the way, we’d love to see you this Sunday.)

This page and its links may help shed some light on aspects of the 80-million member worldwide Anglican (Episcopal) Communion. We hope you’ll find the material here interesting, entertaining — even challenging. After all, we hold that Jesus Christ came to take away your sins, not your mind.

Worship texts and resources

Worship lies at the heart of the Christian life. It is in worship that we express our theology and define our identity. It is through encountering God within worship that we are formed (and transformed) as his people.

One of the glories of the Church of England is its liturgical worship. Liturgy refers to the patterns, forms, words and actions through which public worship is conducted Included in this link you will find:

Common Worship
This offers a complete library of services and prayers in diverse styles. Most of the material is in contemporary language.

The Book of Common Prayer (1662)
A permanent feature of the Church of England’s worship and a key source for its doctrine, the Book of Common Prayer is loved for the beauty of its language and its services are widely used.

You can also find more information about liturgical history and the liturgical year

Search the Bible

Who would have thought searching the Bible would be fun? Think of this link as a Bible Concordance on steroids. You pick which text version you want, which words to search for, which books to search, even what language to speak to you in! A great tool for researchers. Click here for your bible search!

(Also see the Biblical Study Resources section of Anglicans Online for links to searchable Bible dictionaries and commentaries.)

Resources for Kids

Podcast: God’s BIG Story; A gospel driven, Christ-centered children’s curriculum.

God’s Big Story is a new podcast for kids. On each episode, they’ll teach the Bible, sing the Bible, and talk about what it means with some friends. The curriculum is rooted in the incredible truth that God has come to rescue his children from their own sin through his Son Jesus Christ. It explores the biblical narrative from creation and the fall to Jesus’ sacrificial victory on the cross to the promise of a new heaven and earth and is taught in the context of worship through liturgy, song, scripture memory, story presentation, wondering questions, catechesis (teaching of doctrine and the faith), prayer, and many reflective and creative responses geared to a variety of age groups.

Resources for Youth

Philip Yancy; The Jesus I never Knew is based on Philip Yancey’s Gold Medallion Book of the Year on the life of Christ, The Jesus I Never Knewis a six-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately) in which Yancey uses film portraits of Jesus and contrasts them with the Jesus of the Bible.

Suppose we hear an unknown man spoken of by many men. Suppose we were puzzled to hear that some men said he was too tall and some too short; some objected to his fatness, some lamented his leanness; some thought him too dark, and some too fair. One explanation . . . would be that he might be an odd shape. But there is another explanation. He might be the right shape. . . . Perhaps (in short) this extraordinary thing is really the ordinary thing; at least the normal thing, the centre

The Jesus I Never Knew gives you fresh, uncluttered perspectives on history’s central figure—his radical claims, his challenging teachings, and his effect on others . . . including you

More about the Anglican (Episcopal) Church in the Netherlands

The Anglican Church in the Netherlands is part of the Church of England, in the Diocese in Europe. The Deanery of the Netherlands is one of two deaneries in the Archdeaconry of North-West Europe. There are congregations in most of the major cities in the Netherlands

The history of the Anglican Church in the Netherlands dates back to 1585 when a chaplain served in the Hague. Mission churches were established in the 17th century in Rotterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Arnhem, Amsterdam and Haarlem. More recently new churches were established in Voorschoten, Heiloo, Maastricht, Amsterdam South and Zuidoost, Groningen and Amersfoort. Each Anglican church is different, and the congregations have people from many different countries. We are all part of God’s one holy catholic and apostolic church, and our unity is demonstrated by our Bishop, our liturgy and our synodical structures which involve laity and clergy together in our mission.

You can find more information about the Anglican Church in the Netherlands

101 Anglican Episcopal Church; the Basics

Never been to an Anglican church? Here’s what to expect.
Your basic guide to quieting fears you may have about visiting an Anglican or Episcopal Church.

What do Anglicans believe?
About the quickest overview you can find anywhere, with some good basic links.

What does it mean to be Anglican?
A look at the Anglican Communion from the perspective of the Church of England.

Church History Basics
An short overview of the history of the Anglican Communion

The Anglican Communion and its Governance
A simple introduction to what makes up the Anglican Communion and how it is structured.

A quick guide to the US Episcopal Church
A useful and fact-filled page on the US Episcopal Church, an important branch of the 80-million-member Anglican Communion.

Full Homely Divinity
A friendly site that might provide you with insights into Anglican beliefs, practices, liturgy, customs and devotion. It’s worth your time.

Interested in finding out more about God, Jesus, Christianity, and the meaning of life?
A sophisticated and sleek Australian site that tackles the very basics of Christianity, with a good portion of its material written by Anglicans. Well worth a visit, but don’t be too annoyed by the top level robot. If you “dig deeper” you’ll get away from it and find far more information, well done.

An Invitation to Prayer
You are always welcome to join us on our daily prayer, 9am or 9pm each weekday.

‘Lord teach us how to pray.’ That request was put to Jesus by his own disciples – which should encourage us if we feel we don’t know how to pray. They needed help, and so do we, especially at troubled times such as these. But there isn’t just one right way to pray – what works well for one person may not for another.’

The Book of Common Prayer
The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) is the primary prayer book used throughout the Anglican Communion. Rich with language and heritage, the common prayer book is one of the things which bond Anglicans around the world. At the site linked above, you’ll find a number of editions used throughout the world, as well as some historical editions. At the Daily Prayer site of the Church of England, you can click on a calendar day and get that day’s morning and evening prayers.  It is also available as an app (with integrated audio) or as a podcast.

The Creeds
Anglicans have two main “creeds”–short statements of what we believe–the Nicene and Apostles Creeds. At each service, we say the one or the other of the creeds together as confirmation of our common faith.

Register for an Afresh Service

Join us Online

As we are entering spring 2023, and covid measures currently no longer apply, we will only provide Zoom services for special occasions.

Our calendar will indicate when a service is also provided online. Please use the contact form to get the Zoom Details

We would love to meet you online.

Every 10AM Sunday Service is being live streamed through Zoom from our City Centre location or alternating from our South Location.

We would love to meet you online.

Register for an Online Session

Pray With Us

Online prayer session with everyone across Netherlands

Five Days a Week

Monday to Friday – 9AM & 9PM

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Pray With Us

Online prayer session with everyone across Netherlands

Five Days a Week

Monday to Friday – 9AM & 9PM

Register for an Online Session
(Note this only applies for Zoom and Online sessions that are mentioned on the calendar)