Programs and Courses

icon alpha course

Alpha Course

Everyone has Questions

Alpha is a place to explore the Christian faith with others. Alpha is formatted as an 11-week, Six session course that creates a space, online or in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.
We would love to have you join! Our evenings are in English but many times have Dutch discussion breakout group as well. Have a look at this video find out more.

Who is it for?

Alpha is for anyone who’s curious. The talks are designed to encourage conversation and explore the basics of the Christian Faith. No question is out of bounds and you are free to discuss as much or as little as you like. We don’t assume any background knowledge or belief in Christianity and everyone is welcome.

Here are three groups of people who should consider joining alpha:

  • Those exploring the idea of Christianity, who want to grapple with big questions.
  • Those who are perhaps newer to faith and want to get to grips with the important topics.
  • Those who feel after the last months like this, for whatever reason, and want to take a moment to recenter and refocus their faith on the fundamentals.

How does it work?

Each session of Alpha includes food, a short video talk and a discussion at the end where you can share your thoughts. There are a total of six sessions. You are not obligated to come to the whole course – just come to the 1st session and see what you think. At any point, if you think Alpha isn’t for you, that’s not a problem. There’s no pressure, no follow up and no charge.

How much is it?

There’s no charge to do Alpha though we do accept donations to help cover food,  tea & coffee costs.

Location: Christ Church Amsterdam Centre,  Groenburgwal 42, Amsterdam MAP LINK

If you are interested or have more questions, CLICK HERE   to fill out an online form and you will be contacted

icon alpha course

Baptism & Confirmation Class

Christ Church will be offering a four-block “Baptism & Confirmation Class”, starting September 19 until November

Being Christian: Preparing for Confirmation 

Preparing for Confirmation 

Discussion Guide: Being Christian: Preparing for Confirmation


Baptism & Initiation

We look at being known by God and how baptism is both sign and seal.

  • watch YHWH film
  • Psalm 139:


Continuing in the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship. In this session we will look at the Bible. How do we feel about the Bible? We will then watch the introduction to the Bible from the Pilgrim Course. We will look at different translations of the Bible – reading Psalm 23 in each version to compare them.

  • a short animated video clip about the public reading of the Bible.
  • Pilgrim Course: Introducing the Bible
  • Video clip: The Public Reading of Scripture.


The breaking of bread and the prayers.
In this session we will explore the meaning of the Eucharist. After watching a short film about the Passover and the Eucharist, we will discuss what we have just seen. We’ll discuss how we felt about soon receiving communion and what it means to us and why it’s important

  • video about Eucharist from Rt Rev’d Michael Curry.
  • video  The relationship between Passover and Eucharist.
  • video clip: The Rt. Revd Michael Curry’s personal account.
  • The Lord’s Prayer

Resisting Evil, Seeking Justice, Prayer

Resisting evil and repenting and returning to the Lord. We will watch a clip from the film The Mission and discuss sin and forgiveness.

  • Animated video clip: Seeking Justice.
  • Audio clip: The Ignatian Prayer of Examen.
  • Five Stages of the Prayer of Examen

The Examine helps us to recognize God’s action in our feelings, moods, impulses and desires. We become more aware of our feelings and recognize his invitation to come closer.

  • Which of my feelings and moods are leading me to God?
  • Which of my feelings and moods are leading me away from God?
  • We have to be in touch with our feelings in order to avoid being blown about by them.

God is drawing each one of us to himself in a unique and intimate way. The Examen is a daily, prayerful exercise in discernment. I can become increasingly sensitive to God’s influence in my life. Each day, God is asking me to develop my true identity as a companion of Jesus.

Prayer Resources to get:

  • Lectio 365 smart phone app (24-7 Prayer)
  • Daily Prayer smart phone app (Aimer Media)


The Comfortable Words (Book of Common Prayer) Hear the words of comfort our Saviour Christ says
to all who truly turn to him: “Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”

  • Matthew 11.28
  • John 3.16
  • 1 Timothy 1.15
  • 1 John 2.1,2
  • The Ten Commandments

Questions that we will cover are:

  • thinking about prayer–What is it? How can we pray? Why pray?
  • We will also ask some questions of ourselves–
  • What is justice? Why does it matter that we are concerned with justice?
  • How does prayer intersect with justice?

Baptism & Confirmation

November 7, 2021

Register for an Afresh Service

Join us Online

As we are entering spring 2023, and covid measures currently no longer apply, we will only provide Zoom services for special occasions.

Our calendar will indicate when a service is also provided online. Please use the contact form to get the Zoom Details

We would love to meet you online.

Every 10AM Sunday Service is being live streamed through Zoom from our City Centre location or alternating from our South Location.

We would love to meet you online.

Register for an Online Session

Pray With Us

Online prayer session with everyone across Netherlands

Five Days a Week

Monday to Friday – 9AM & 9PM

Register for an Online Session

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Pray With Us

Online prayer session with everyone across Netherlands

Five Days a Week

Monday to Friday – 9AM & 9PM

Register for an Online Session
(Note this only applies for Zoom and Online sessions that are mentioned on the calendar)